Monday, August 10, 2009


Thalassemia - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Definition of Thalassemia; Description of Thalassemia; Causes and Risk Factors of Thalassemia; Symptoms of Thalassemia; Diagnosis of Thalassemia; Treatment - Cached - Similar
Thalassemia - Treatment Overview - Yahoo! Health
Treatment for thalassemia depends on the severity of the condition. Thalassemia may be mild, moderate, or - Cached - Similar
Thalassemia - Home Treatment - Yahoo! Health
26 Jul 2007 ... If you have blood transfusions to treat your thalassemia, you need to avoid vitamins that increase iron stored by the - Cached - Similar
Thalassemia Free Pakistan - Treatment
With timely and correct treatment, Thalassemic's live longer and healthier now. It is reasonable to think that people with Thalassemia, well treated from - Cached - Similar
Thalassemias, Treatment
Treatment for thalassemia depends on the type and severity of the - Cached - Similar
Thalassemia, Beta: Treatment & Medication - eMedicine Hematology
21 Sep 2007 ... Treatment: Beta thalassemia syndromes are a group of hereditary disorders characterized by a genetic deficiency in the synthesis of - Cached - Similar
Thalassemia: Treatments and drugs -
Signs and symptoms are usually mild with thalassemia minor and little, if any, treatment is needed. Occasionally, you may need a blood transfusion, - Cached - Similar
Thallassemia: The Facts and the Controversies (): Sidebar: News ...
Sidebar: News from the Thalassemia Treatment Center Consortium: Thallasemia is the most common single gene disorder known. Are you familiar with this - Similar
Treatment of β-Thalassemia Patients with Recombinant Human ...
Two patients with thalassemia major discontinued treatment after 12 weeks, as they did not achieve any response regarding transfusion requirements or Hb - Similarby A Chaidos - 2004 - Cited by 12 - Related articles - All 5 versions
Treatment of beta thalassemia
INTRODUCTION Thalassemia refers to a spectrum of diseases characterized by reduced or absent production of one or more globin chains. Beta thalassemia is - Cached - Similar

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This has a particular impact on women (as a consequence of pregnancy-related complications), children (malnutrition, malaria and severe life-threatening anaemia), trauma victims and, especially, the poor and disadvantaged.
The emergence of HIV in the 1980s highlighted the importance of ensuring the safety, as well as the adequacy, of national blood supplies. In many countries, even where blood is available, many recipients remain at risk of transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs) as a result of poor blood donor recruitment and selection practices and the use of untested units of blood.
Every country has a common need to ensure:
Availability of adequate supplies of blood and blood products and their accessibility to all patients requiring transfusion;
Safety of blood and blood products;
Safe and appropriate clinical use of blood and blood products.
The WHO Blood Transfusion Safety (BTS) team supports the establishment of sustainable of national blood programmes that can ensure the provision of safe, high quality blood and blood products that are accessible to all patients requiring transfusion and their safe and appropriate use. In support of this mission, the WHO BTS team recommends the following integrated strategy to national health authorities:

Friday, July 17, 2009


Common Blood Tests, Types
Some of the most common blood tests that doctors order are: ... White blood cells are part of your immune system, which fights infections and disease. - Cached
Types of Blood Transfusions
The type of blood transfusion you need depends on your situation. ... type of transfusion if you have severe anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh) due to disease or blood loss. - Cached
Blood plays an important role in how our bodies function. ... Other types of blood diseases affect the proteins and chemicals in the plasma - Cached
There are several types of white blood cells, and their life spans vary from a ... Diseases of the blood that commonly affect young people can involve any or all - Cached
Types of Vascular Disease
Vascular disease includes any condition that affects your circulatory system, such as aneurysms, deep vein thrombosis, lymphadema, varicose veins, blood clots, and - 101k - Cached
Blood Disorders
Descriptions of problems with the things that make up blood, such as red blood cells, white cells, platelets, ... Information by Disease Type. Blood Disorders - Cached
The Different Types of Blood Diseases
There are different types of blood diseases in that an hematologist can classify. ... This is a type of a blood disease that is caused by a worm called the - Cached
What is Sickle Cell Disease
There are several types of sickle cell disease. ... The types of hemoglobin a person makes in the red blood cells depend upon what - Cached


Thalassemias, What Are
Thalassemias (thal-a-SE-me-ahs) are inherited blood disorders. ... The two major types of thalassemia, alpha and beta, are named after defects in - Cached
thalassemia: Definition from
More about Thalassemia: Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prognosis Resources Thalassemia Definition Thalassemia describes a group of - 101k - Cached
Thalassemia - March of Dimes
Thalassemia is a common ... What research on thalassemia is being done? More ... Alpha thalassemia major, the most severe form, is caused when - 71k - Cached
About Thalassemia
Cooley's Anemia Foundation ... To download a pdf file with information on alpha thalassemia, please click here. ... understand how thalassemia affects the - Cached
Interview with Dr. Hani Atrash of the CDC
Cooley's ... Thalassemia patients are among the largest consumers of red blood cells in the ... CDC established the Thalassemia Data and Blood Specimen - Cached
Thalassemia-Topic Overview
Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes the body to produce less hemoglobin. ... People who have beta thalassemia intermedia usually live into - 110k - Cached
Thalassemias are not a single disorder but rather a group of genetic blood diseases that vary widely in severity. ... Thalassemia can cause ineffective - Cached Learning About Thalassemia
Answers to frequently asked questions about thalassemia, published by the National Human Genome ... Thalassemia occurs most frequently in people of Italian, ...

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Blood Transfusion Procedure Information by
... blood transfusion risks, and the types such as autologous (your own blood) and ... The safest blood product is your own, so if a transfusion is likely, this is - 51k - Cached
Blood Transfusion
A learning resource on having a blood transfusion. ... Before the blood transfusion procedure, your doctor will explain it to you in detail. - Cached
Blood Transfusions
... 5 million people a year get blood transfusions in the United States. ... A transfusion is a relatively simple medical procedure that doctors use to make up for - Cached
Blood Donation and Transfusion
general information about blood donation and transfusion and its safety ... The procedure involves adding a chemical to a bag of blood to "break up" the - 147k - Cached
Basic Blood Transfusion Procedure at Mayo Clinic
... illness being passed through a blood transfusion is extremely small. Related Information. Transfusion Procedure. Blood Components. Reactions. Print. E-mail Page - Cached
4: Blood Components... 5: Utilization Review... 6: Transfusion Procedures... of blood components must be trained in transfusion procedures and in - 69k - Cached - Blood Transfusion
Blood transfusion is a procedure in which the blood or blood components from one ... candidate for the procedure? People receive blood transfusions for many ...

Monday, July 13, 2009



Blood Types Give Life American Red Cross
O+ is the most common blood type. ... Blood Type Inheritance. It's inherited... Like eye color, blood type ispassed genetically from parents to children. - Cached
Human Blood: ABO Blood Types
Defines the four blood types (A, B, AB, and O) ... For example, people with type A blood will have the A antigen on the surface of - Cached
Blood Types Tutorial
A mother who is blood type O can only pass an O allele to her son or daughter. A father who is blood type AB could pass either an A ... Blood Type Calculator - Cached
Blood Groups, Blood Typing and Blood Transfusions
Blood consists of several types of cells floating around in a fluid called plasma. ... Individuals have different types and combinations of these molecules. - Cached
Blood Facts Blood Types
Lifeshare Blood Centers ... Those with type AB blood are known as "universal recipients. ... Does Your Blood Type Reveal Your Personality? - 53k - Cached
What's Your Blood Type?
About half of all blood ordered by hospitals in our area is Type O ... have Type O negative blood. Type O negative blood is the preferred type for accident - Cached
Genes and Blood Type
The ABO blood type classification system uses the presence or absence of these ... Each blood type is either positive "+" (has the Rh protein) or negative " - Cached
Animated Blood Types
Type O (45%): No clumping in blood drops A or B. Type A (42%): Clumping in blood drop A with anti-A antibodies ... Type AB (3%): Clumping in both blood drops A and B - 50k - Cached
Blood: Types - The Human Heart: An Online Exploration from The Franklin ...
... from The Franklin Institute. Includes notes on the types of blood that can be mixed when a person receives a blood transfusion, plus an explanation of Rh ...


The most well known and medically important blood types are in the ABO group. They were discovered in 1900 and 1901 at the University of Vienna by Karl Landsteiner in the process of trying to learn why blood transfusions sometimes cause death and at other times save a patient. In 1930, he belatedly received the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
All humans and many other primates can be typed for the ABO blood group. There are four principal types: A, B, AB, and O. There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly responsible for the ABO types. The specific combination of these four components determines an individual's type in most cases. The table below shows the possible permutations of antigens and antibodies with the corresponding ABO type ("yes" indicates the presence of a component and "no" indicates its absence in the blood of an individual).
ABOBlood Type












For example, people with type A blood will have the A antigen on the surface of their red cells (as shown in the table below). As a result, anti-A antibodies will not be produced by them because they would cause the destruction of their own blood. However, if B type blood is injected into their systems, anti-B antibodies in their plasma will recognize it as alien and burst or agglutinate the introduced red cells in order to cleanse the blood of alien protein.
ABOBlood Type

Antigen A
Antigen B

Antibody anti-A
Antibody Anti-B










Individuals with type O blood do not produce ABO antigens. Therefore, their blood normally will not be rejected when it is given to others with different ABO types. As a result, type O people are universal donors for transfusions, but they can receive only type O blood themselves. Those who have type AB blood do not make any ABO antibodies. Their blood does not discriminate against any other ABO type. Consequently, they are universal receivers for transfusions, but their blood will be agglutinated when given to people with every other type because they produce both kinds of antigens.
ABOBlood Type

Antigen A
Antigen B

Antibody anti-A
Antibody Anti-B










It is easy and inexpensive to determine an individual's ABO type from a few drops of blood. A serum containing anti-A antibodies is mixed with some of the blood. Another serum with anti-B antibodies is mixed with the remaining sample. Whether or not agglutination occurs in either sample indicates the ABO type. It is a simple process of elimination of the possibilities. For instance, if an individual's blood sample is agglutinated by the anti-A antibody, but not the anti-B antibody, it means that the A antigen is present but not the B antigen. Therefore, the blood type is A.
Blood Typing Workshop Activity--hands-on simulation of blood typing. This link takes you to an external website maintained by Nobel e-Museum. To return here, you must click the "back" button on your browser program.

Genetic Inheritance Patterns
ABO blood types are inherited through genes on chromosome 9, and they do not change as a result of environmental influences during life. An individual's ABO type is determined by the inheritance of 1 of 3 alleles (A, B, or O) from each parent. The possible outcomes are shown below:
Parent Alleles
The possible ABO alleles for one parent are in the top row and the alleles of theother are in the left column. Offspring genotypes are shown in black.Phenotypes are red.
Both A and B alleles are dominant over O. As a result, individuals who have an AO genotype will have an A phenotype. People who are type O have OO genotypes. In other words, they inherited a recessive O allele from both parents. The A and B alleles are codominant. Therefore, if an A is inherited from one parent and a B from the other, the phenotype will be AB. Agglutination tests will show that these individuals have the characteristics of both type A and type B blood.
CAUTION: the inheritance of ABO blood types does not always follow such straightforward rules of inheritance. If you wish to explore the reason why this is true, select the Bombay Phenotype button below.
Bombay Phenotype
ABO Blood type antigens are not only found on the surface of red cells. They are also normally secreted by some people in their body fluids, including saliva, tears, and urine. Whether someone is able to secrete them is genetically controlled. Police agencies now routinely use this so-called secretor system data to identify potential victims and criminals when blood samples are not available.
Despite the fact that the blood types of children are solely determined by inheritance from their parents, paternity in the U.S. and many other nations can no longer be legally established based on conventional blood typing. To do that, it is necessary to compare HLA types and/or DNA sequences. The use of DNA is more accurate in determining paternity, but it is also more expensive than HLA typing.
Antibodies to alien antigens in the ABO group are usually present in our plasma prior to the first contact with blood of a different ABO type. This may be partly explained by the fact that these antigens are also produced by certain bacteria and possibly some plants. When we come in contact with them, our bodies may develop long-term active immunity to their antigens and subsequently to the same antigens on the surface of red blood cells. This usually occurs to babies within the first six months following their birth.
Environmental Factors
While blood types are 100% genetically inherited, the environment potentially can determine which blood types in a population will be passed on more frequently to the next generation. It does this through natural selection. Specific ABO blood types are thought to be linked with increased or decreased susceptibility to particular diseases. For instance, individuals with type A blood are at a somewhat higher risk of contracting smallpox and developing cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, and stomach. People who are type O are at a higher risk for contracting cholera and plague as well as developing duodenal and peptic ulcers. Research suggests that they are also more tasty to mosquitoes. That could be a significant factor in contracting malaria.
NOTE: A small number of people have two different ABO blood types. They are not simply AB codominant. Apparently, most of these blood chimera individuals shared a blood supply with their non-identical twin before birth. In some cases, people are unaware that they had a twin because he or she died early in gestation and was spontaneously aborted. As many as 8% of non-identical twins may have chimeric blood. Some people are microchimeric--they have a small amount of blood of a different type in their system that has persisted from a blood transfusion or passed across the placental barrier from their mother before birth. Likewise, fetal blood can pass into a mother's system. This fact has led some researchers to suggest that the significantly higher frequency of autoimmune disorders in women is a result of the presence of foreign white blood cells that had come from their unborn children during pregnancy.
NEWS: An international team of researchers led by Henrick Clausen of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark have discovered a bacterial enzyme that can convert red blood cells of types A, B, and AB into O by stripping away their identifying surface antigens. This has the potential for dramatically improving the safety of blood transfusions. Clinical trials of this technique are now underway. ("Bacterial Glycosidases for the Production of Universal Red Blood Cells", published online in Nature Biotechnology, April 1, 2007).